GMAT eligibility
What are the Requirements for GMAT eligibility?
Is having Mathematics as a graduating subject a requirement for GMAT eligibility? If you’re studying for the GMAT, these questions have probably crossed your mind. When taking any exam, the first and most important thing a candidate should remember is the eligibility criteria for that particular exam.
You will have a complete understanding of the GMAT qualifying requirements and registration procedures by reading this article. Before designing a preparation strategy and registering for the entrance examination, it is highly suggested that the applicant do so.
Table of Content:
- Eligibility Criteria for GMAT 2021
- Retakers of the GMAT plan
- Verification Of An Applicant’s Ability To Take GMAT
- GMAT Eligibility Criteria’s Importance
- Registration and Fee Structure for GMAT Eligibility
- Frequently Asked Questions
Eligibility Criteria for GMAT 2021
Graduate Management Aptitude Council (GMAC) administers the Graduate Management Aptitude Test (GMAT), which is open to applicants from all around the world.
There is no discrimination based on religion, sex, background history, educational qualifications, or other factors. However, a potential aspirant must consider the primary GMAT eligibility conditions, which are listed below.
To apply for the GMAT exam without consent, an applicant must be at least 18 years old. If an applicant is under the age of 13, written evidence from a parent or guardian must be given to take the exam.
The advantage of the GMAT is that there is no upper age limit. Every year, a large number of GMAT hopefuls above the age of 30 take the exam. Many of them have great success with it, allowing them to pursue their desire to earn an MBA from a top management school.
The exam is open to anyone who has earned a bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution. The GMAT does not have a minimum or maximum academic qualifying requirement for test-takers.
Students in their pre-final or final year of graduation and working professionals make up the majority of the examinees. Even if you don’t fit into any of these categories, you can still take the exam as an add-on.
The GMAT exam is not restricted by nationality. Applicants from all over the world are welcome to submit their applications. GMAC’s rules and regulations apply to everyone on an equal footing regardless of their nation of origin.
A candidate can take the GMAT exam up to five times in 12 months, with a 16-day interval between each try. A candidate is limited to eight attempts in their lifetime.
If you get an 800 on the GMAT, you must wait five years before retaking the exam because it is at the top of your scoring scale. Additionally, each time you take a new GMAT try, you must restart your GMAT registration.
Are you taking the GMAT for the second time? Retakers of the GMAT, plan!
Information on the Candidates
Candidates must give legal information such as their name, address, email address, phone number, gender, date of birth, citizenship country, government-issued identity, a digital photograph, signature, palm vein pattern, and so on.
Experiential Learning
The number of years of experience you have in the industry before applying for the GMAT is rarely a factor in your eligibility. You can either be a newcomer to the industry or a seasoned veteran. In any case, you’ll have to take the test.
Your work experience and academic performance will be combined to rank your application by B-School admissions staff. They look at various things like your resume, work experience certificate, accomplishments, and certifications, among other things.
The Language Medium
Even if your primary language of instruction in school and college was not English, you are eligible to take the GMAT. In truth, many students with non-English academic backgrounds have acquitted themselves well on the GMAT by taking the right approach and putting in the necessary effort.
Verification Of An Applicant’s Ability To Take GMAT
To determine an applicant’s eligibility for admission to a Master’s in Business Administration program, the Management Admission Council (GMAC) conducts a test (MBA).
Prestigious business schools use the GMAT exam all over the world to determine admission. GMAT is one of the most popular exams globally because it grants access to over 2300 institutes and 7000 programs.
The criteria above are used to verify an applicant’s ability to take the test without difficulty, but they do not guarantee admission to any MBA program at any university.
Every business school has its own admissions process. Before submitting an online enrollment application, every world-renowned B-Schools have their own set of regulations that must be met.
GMAT Eligibility Criteria’s Importance
If you want to get into a prestigious MBA program, the GMAT qualifying criteria should be your priority. GMAT eligibility is a common worry shared by practically all students seeking admission to targeted MBA programs. Following eligibility verification, test takers take the GMAT exam and score based on their preparation tactics.
The GMAT exam evaluation is hardly a walk in the park because it is “computer adaptive” in nature. Candidates must work smart and examine the analytics of the GMAT as an aptitude assessment examination and work hard to prepare for the test.
GMAT test administrators use the concept of “Artificial Intelligence” to evaluate students who will change the business world with their quick linguistic, rational decision-making, and analytical reasoning abilities.
In June 2012, GMAC added a new portion to the IR (Integrated Reasoning) test to assess the test taker’s data-driven abilities. In the GMAT, test takers must complete 80 questions in precisely 3 hours and 7 minutes. The GMAT registration fee is $250 in total (INR 18,366).
Registration and Fee Structure for GMAT Eligibility
GMAT registration can be done online by going to and signing up for an account. You can manage your GMAT appointment dates and scores to restrict registration according to your preferences.
You may also search for your favorite colleges, learn about their application deadlines, and read articles about finding the perfect school, putting together your best application, and obtaining expert comments while you’re doing it.
You can also visit the registration and scoring timeline sections of GMAC’s GMAT Handbook for more thorough information. You can plan your exam approach by keeping the things above in mind.
The complete registration process has been broken down into bullet points as follows:
• Candidates can fill out their registration forms on the official website.
• To create an account, you’ll need to provide your name, email address, and password.
• Personal information, academic information, professional experience, and documentation must all be filled out.
• Through the flexible slot booking option, the candidate can schedule the examination at their leisure.
• The candidate must pay a cost of US $240 after selecting the test day and country/location.
• If candidates prefer to book their test data offline, they can do so by phone or mail.
• Candidates can print the application form and attach a photograph for future admission criteria and KYC.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Do you want to learn more about the GMAT? Check out the most frequently asked GMAT and GMAT Eligibility questions.
Q. Can I take the GMAT after finishing high school or 12th grade?
A. No, to take the GMAT exam, you must have completed a bachelor’s degree.
Q. What is the minimum academic requirement for taking the GMAT?
A. As a result, there is no minimum academic requirement for taking the GMAT exam. The GMAT is usually taken after a candidate has completed their undergraduate degree or is in the final year of their undergraduate program. Working professionals also give the GMAT.
Q Are there any minimal academic requirements for taking the GMAT exam?
A. The GMAC has not established a cut-off point for taking the GMAT test. However, candidates should not overlook the value of academic results since they will need them to get admission to a B-school.
Q. Do working professionals need any prior work experience to take the GMAT?
A. Work experience is not required to take the GMAT exam, just as it is not necessary for academic scores. Candidates with no prior work experience are also eligible to take the GMAT exam. Work experience, like academic scores, will be considered while applying to a B-school.
Q. Is it possible for candidates with a specific field of study to take the GMAT exam?
A. It is a fallacy that only individuals from a specific subject of study are eligible to take the GMAT exam. The GMAT exam is open to candidates from all fields of study.
Q. Is there a limit to how many times you may take the GMAT exam?
A. The GMAC has established specific requirements for taking the GMAT:
- The GMAT exam can only be taken once every 16 days.
- Candidates are allowed up to five attempts in 12 months.
- Candidates are allowed eight attempts throughout their lives.
Q. Is the GMAT exam only open to candidates who speak English as a second language?
A. Candidates who do not speak English as a first language are permitted to take the GMAT exam. Candidates from any medium of instruction can take the GMAT test, regardless of whether they are English or non-English speakers.
Q. What is the cost of taking the GMAT exam?
A. The registration fee for the GMAT in India is $250. (18,300 approx.)
Q. When will you be able to take the GMAT?
As a result, there is no definite exam date for taking the GMAT exam. Candidates can sit for the GMAT exam whenever they feel they are most prepared. You can register for the exam and choose an open day that is convenient for you.
Q. Is getting a 450 on the GMAT difficult?
In the GMAT exam, a score of 450 is considered a low score. Getting this high of a score is not challenging. With constant preparation and free practice examinations, however, one can achieve much more.
Q. Is it challenging to achieve a GMAT score of 700?
A 700 is considered a respectable GMAT score, and achieving it requires regular preparation. Not everyone who applies to elite B-schools get a score of 700 or better. To achieve a 700+ score, one must outperform around 90% of exam takers.

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